Custom Google Analytics 4 Reports

$1,200.00 + GST (Australia)

Google Analytics 4 lets you customise your menu and drag and drop reports.

In this package, you’ll get up to 7x custom reports/report adjustments to meet your needs.

We will be able to create reports based on the custom options mentioned below.

Custom GA4 Report options:

Note that as part of this package, you can choose from any of these options below (up to 7).

1 menu item = 1 report.

  • Referrals report: easily see what sites are coming to your website.
  • Urchin Tracking Module (UTM) report: view traffic based on medium (channel), campaign or other values.
  • Social Media report: review traffic from organic and or paid social media channels.
  • Organic traffic report: view traffic only from organic search.
  • Customised funnel: Funnel report to include the steps relevant to your buyer journey.
  • eCommerce report adjustment: remove irrelevant reports and add purchase conversion rate %.
  • Social Media report: 1x report for each channel you use.
  • Engagement report: includes key metrics bloggers and information-based sites want to know.
  • Custom event report: showcase the custom events e.g. video or files being open in your website.
  • Comparisons: saved comparisons can be added for easy use.
  • Audience creation: create an audience for use in Google Ads/within your reports.


The custom reports cannot exceed normal reporting length based on these 7 criteria.

Plus your menu in Google Analytics 4 will be updated to show you these reports.

The package is limited to what functions, metrics or dimensions GA4 allows.